Saturday, December 15, 2012

Regensburg, Germany

Founded by the Romans in 179 AD as Casta Regina (meaning Fortress by the River Regen), Regensburg is one of Germany's oldest towns. The Stone Bridge, built 1135–1146, is a highlight of medieval bridge building. The knights of the 2nd and 3rd crusade used it to cross the Danube on their way to the Holy Land.

The Historische Wurstküche (Old Sausage Kitchen), which claims to be the oldest restaurant in Germany, was used by the labourers who built the bridge.

The original south tower on the stone bridge was built around 1300 but was destroyed by fire. It was rebuilt in 1648.

The Regensburg Cathedral (or Dom St. Peter) is one of southern Germany's finest examples of German Gothic architecture. It was founded in 1275 and completed in 1634, with the exception of the towers, which were finished in 1869.

One of the Christmas markets in Regensburg is located on the grounds of the Thurn and Taxis Palace. This is a more upscale market than most with the actual craftspeople creating their products on site (rather than people just selling trinkets).

This fellow built his own smoker out of a barrel and was smoking salmon.


  1. Did you go to the top of the Dom? Spouse and I did on our honeymoon. It was under construction of some sort at the time, and I swear we were climbing rickety scaffolding. Scared me to death, but I couldn't let G see me show fear. :)Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

    BTW, is it as freezing cold as it looks in the pics?

  2. Boy, that barrel smoked salmon looks good! I just noticed that the cathedral clocks you photograph seem to be functioning. All the church clocks we saw in Costa Rica last Spring appeared to be stopped.
