Monday, October 8, 2018


Our excursion this morning was a ride on the Chemin de fer du Vivarais (aka the Train de l'Ardèche) which is a tourist railway with historic steam locomotives. There is a 25 minute trip through the Doux Valley then we stopped, the engine was separated from the cars, it was turned 180° on a turntable, then reattached at the back of the cars to return us to where we started.









This is an old Roman bridge.



This is what the inside of our train carriage looked like:



This is the inside of a first class carriage which was in the small museum at the train station.




After the train we had a brief wander around Tournon which is pretty small.

Tournon Castle:




St Julien Church. Notice the buildings using the wall of the church as their back wall. At least they didn't block the windows!



Only 2.5 towers remain from the medieval wall.



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