Our first stop was Le Chateau de Martainville. The chateau was built in the 15th and 16th centuries and houses an exhibit of items from everyday life in Normandy from the 16th to 19th centuries.
There was some really great furniture.
Including a contraption to teach babies to walk without help from mom.
Some really T-A-L-L clocks.
And some really cool butter molds.
And, of course, a bit of embroidery.
The cathedral was amazing. It was constructed between the 12th and 14th centuries and is in the Flamboyant Gothic style. The spire is nearly 500 feet tall. Claude Monet painted 30 different studies of this facade at various times of the day.
I just love these stairs.
Other sights around town include this impressive, circa-1528 Renaissance clock, le Gros Horloge, which decorates the former City Hall. The minute hand is missing because in the 16th century an hour hand offered sufficient precision.
The lamb at the end of the hour hand is a reminder that wool was the source of Rouen’s wealth.
Other sights include a cozy cafe ...
... a vintage restaurant ...
... and lots of old half-timbered buildings.
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